What Is Hepatology ?

Hepatology is an area of medicine that focuses on diseases of the liver as well as related conditions. Dr Gautham Morupoju is specifically trained to diagnose and manage liver diseases. His experience, backed up by the state-of-the-art diagnostic and interventional support renders a very comprehensive care in the field of liver diseases.

The liver is essential for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic). Liver problems can also be caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as viruses, alcohol use and obesity. Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to scarring (cirrhosis), which can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition. But early treatment may give the liver time to heal.Dr.Gautham is the best doctor for liver treatment in hanamkonda

Hepatology Causes | Symptoms | Treatment


  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine color
  • Pale stool color
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tendency to bruise easily
  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)

What are the causes of liver diseases?


Parasites and viruses can infect the liver, causing inflammation that reduces liver function. The viruses that cause liver damage can be spread through blood or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with a person who is infected. The most common types of liver infection are hepatitis viruses, including:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
Pancreas cover
Immune system abnormality

Diseases in which your immune system attacks certain parts of your body (autoimmune) can affect your liver. Examples of autoimmune liver diseases include

  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Primary biliary cholangitis
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis

An abnormal gene inherited from one or both of your parents can cause various substances to build up in your liver, resulting in liver damage. Genetic liver diseases include:

  • Hemochromatosis
  • Wilson's disease
  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Cancer and other growths
  • Liver cancer
  • Bile duct cancer
  • Liver adenoma

Additional, common causes of liver disease include:

  • Chronic alcohol abuse
  • Fat accumulation in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • Certain prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Certain herbal compounds
Hepatology services we provide are
  1. Management of Acute Liver Failure
  2. Medical Management of Cirrhosis of the Liver
  3. Management of Viral Hepatitis and Alcoholic Hepatitis
  4. Management of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  5. Management of Budd-Chiari Syndrome
  6. Management of Liver Tumours including Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  7. Liver Biopsies
  8. Endoscopic Variceal Ligation and Glue Injection
  9. Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC)
  10. Management of Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension and EHPVO

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